Where To Play Badminton In The United States

Badminton is played and appreciated by a large number of individuals in the United States. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), an estimated 2.2 million persons in the United States played badminton at least once in the previous year in 2021.

Badminton is taught in schools and universities throughout the country, and there are badminton clubs and leagues that hold regular matches and tournaments. Moreover, the USA Badminton organization is the sport’s national governing body in the United States, working to promote and grow badminton at all levels, from grassroots to elite.

While badminton may not be as popular as other sports in the United States, it does have a devoted following of players and spectators who like the sport’s fast-paced action, strategy, and physical challenge.

There are several badminton courts in the United States. Where to play badminton in the United States:

Badminton clubs

There are several badminton clubs in the United States that provide regular play, instruction, and competitions. The Boston Badminton Club, the New York City Badminton Club, and the Silicon Valley Badminton Club are among the most popular clubs.


Community centers

Several community facilities have public badminton courts. These facilities may provide drop-in play as well as structured leagues and tournaments. Find a community center near you by contacting your local parks and recreation department.


Where to play badminton in the USA

Gyms and fitness centers

Several gyms and fitness facilities feature badminton courts that members can utilize. These facilities may lend out equipment or host leagues and tournaments in which members can compete.


Colleges and universities

Students and staff can utilize badminton courts at many colleges and institutions. Several universities even have collegiate-level badminton teams.


Public parks

Several public parks feature badminton courts that are open to the public. These courts may be available on a first-come, first-served basis or require a reservation.


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Online directories

There are online directories that can help you discover badminton courts, clubs, and events near you, such as BadmintonConnect.com and USABadminton.org.


It is critical to examine availability, prices, and restrictions for use wherever you want to practice badminton. You could also think about joining a badminton club or league to meet new people and enhance your abilities.


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